Safety & Quality

Committed to Safety

Summit Sandblasting & Coating LTD is highly committed to the safety of our employees, our subcontractors and the general public. We adhere to the highest of industry standards with regards to safety and through extensive internal and external training as well as audits we ensure that the best safety practices are being implemented throughout our organization.

Quality Products Delivered Through Our Core Values

Summit Sandblasting & Coating LTD. provides abrasive blasting and protective coating solutions to ensure the longevity of our client’s assets by meeting industry standards and project specifications. We strive to exceed our customer’s expectations in every area, utilizing our core values known as PEAK.



Summit Sandblasting & Coating LTD. believes that a professional attitude should always accompany a professional level of service.

At Summit, we strive to build lasting relationships based on this tenet of our core values.


Summit Sandblasting & Coating LTD. utilizes over 30 years of combined experience in the industrial coating industry to consistently deliver a level of quality that exceeds our client’s expectations. At Summit, we believe that there is no replacement for an experienced team.


Summit Sandblasting & Coating LTD. believes that accountability and responsibility are the cornerstones of successful client relationships. Summit strives to instill a sense of accountability and responsibility among its employees in all areas of work.


Summit Sandblasting & Coating LTD. continuously builds on our industry knowledge. At Summit, we stay up to date with the latest revisions of standards, specifications, and available products to consistently provide a contemporary level of service.


Summit Sandblasting & Coating LTD. proudly complies with CSA Z245.30.22 and works with our partners to ensure compliance to the highest of industry standards.

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